What’s That Odor Coming From My Heat Pump?
It isn’t always easy to know whether something is wrong with your heat pump, but strange smells are among the clearest signs of trouble. Knowing which odors are behind your heat pump issues can help you find and fix the underlying problem quickly. Read on to learn what your heat pump odor means and how you can resolve it.
Ether or Chloroform
This is the smell of refrigerant. In addition to resembling the odor of ether or chloroform, it’ll have a sweet smell. Furthermore, if your heat pump leaks refrigerant, you will probably hear a bubbling or hissing sound.
Refrigerant is extremely toxic, and you should never attempt to replace your heat pump’s refrigerant. Instead, ask an HVAC service technician to do it for you as part of your heat pump repairs or maintenance services.
Rotten Eggs
The most common explanation for this acutely horrible stench is that a small animal, like a mouse or a squirrel, crawled into your heat pump and died there. If so, the smell of decomposition will fill all the air flowing through your heat pump. A service technician can examine your heat pump to find and remove the odor and carcass.
Burning Rubber or Plastic
If you don’t take action in response to a burning smell, the result may be catastrophic. Perhaps there’s some issue with your system’s electrical wiring, the wiring’s insulation, rubber tube or plastic component causing the burning smell. This may eventually grow into a fire that destroys your heat pump and does wider damage to your home.
Your nose is one of the most reliable tools you have for detecting problems with your heat pump. The moment you notice a weird heat pump odor, call Hughes Mechanical, LLC and ask for our HVAC services that we offer in and around Nottingham, MD.
Image provided by iStock
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