Tips to Prepare Your Heater for the Cold Weather
Summer temperatures in Essex, MD, were oppressively hot this year. But while the cooler autumn weather is a welcome respite, freezing conditions will soon blow through the area. If you haven’t already, it’s time to prepare your furnace, heat pump or boiler for the winter ahead. Here are some heater maintenance tips to help you.
Start With a Fresh Filter
Your heating system’s filter is critical to keeping your furnace, heat pump or boiler running efficiently. A clean filter prevents particles from collecting in your heater and inhibiting airflow, reducing the risk of higher energy and repair bills. It also stops contaminants from recirculating in your house and aggravating your allergy and asthma symptoms. Ideally, you should change your heating system’s filter every month when it’s in operation.
Clear Around the Outdoor Unit
Take a moment and inspect the area around the outdoor component of your heating system. Make sure there isn’t debris on top of it. Also, ensure at least two feet of clearance to encourage proper airflow.
Switch the Direction of Your Ceiling Fans
Do you have ceiling fans in your house? Flip the switch on each so that they rotate in a clockwise direction. Doing so will help circulate the warm air that rises toward your living spaces to make you feel warmer.
Schedule Heating Maintenance
It’s best to leave most heating maintenance tasks to a trained, certified and experienced HVAC professional. Service technicians know how to work with all types of heaters, including furnaces, heat pumps and boilers. They can find and fix any problems on the spot and test your heating system to ensure it’s operating at peak efficiency.
Prepare your furnace, heat pump or boiler for colder weather by scheduling heating maintenance this fall. Contact Hughes Mechanical, LLC today to book your appointment immediately to avoid delays. We’ll maintain your heater, offer tips on how to operate it efficiently and help you save as much money as possible this winter.
Image provided by Thinkstock
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