3 Tips to Heat Your Home Without Blasting the Heater

Having a warm Bel Air, MD, home during the winter is great. But cranking up the heat can take a toll on your energy bills. Here are three tips for heating your home without turning up the thermostat:

Repair Window Frame Cracks

Each window frame in your home is a potential escape route for warm air. If you have several windows, you’re potentially losing a significant amount of warmth. Check your window frames for cracks.

You can do this by feeling around each frame for a draft. An alternative is to light an incense stick and move it around the frame. Take note of areas in which the incense smoke shifts direction.

Seal any cracks you find with caulk. If this doesn’t improve your home’s heat retention, contact an HVAC service technician for maintenance.

Put Your Curtains to Use

Sunlight is a great way to keep your home warm. When the sun is bright, keep your windows open to take advantage of the sun’s rays. And close the curtains at night to act as an extra layer of insulation against the cold.

If you don’t have curtains, you’ll stay warmer if you get some. The U.S. Department of Energy states that traditional curtains reduce heat loss by up to 10%. For even more heat retention, consider curtains with a thermal lining.

Get a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat gives you more control over your HVAC system. You don’t have to blast the heat full time to get a warm home. The thermostat can raise or lower the temperature based on your schedule.

Make sure the programmable thermostat you purchase is compatible with your HVAC system. It’s best to contact an HVAC service technician for help choosing your new thermostat.

Contact Hughes Mechanical, LLC today for information about our heating services. If the tips above don’t improve your warmth, consider a new heating installation or repair.

Image provided by iStock

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